Documents necessary for a tax return:
A copy of your passport or ID card;
Official documents certifying the holder’s identity and citizenship.
Arsoppgave form or last payslips from all employments;
Årsoppgave form – document provided by your employer which states your total income and paid taxes.
Last payslip – document provided by your employer along with your salary. Last payslip states your total income and paid taxes.
Last Payslip
Skattemelding form (Tax return) (if you received it from Norway Tax Authorities);
Skattemelding is a document issued by Norwegian Tax Administration. It contains full information on employee‘s income and taxes. In the end of March these forms are sent to everybody who works in Norway.
Tax Return
Tax Assessment Notice (Skatteoppgjor) (if you have one);
Skatteoppgjor is a tax calculation issued by Norwegian Tax Administration at the end of the tax year.
Tax Assessment Notice
Copy of Skattekort – tax deduction card (if you have one)
Everybody who works in Norway must have a form called Skattekort. It has a person‘s Fodselsnummer or a so called D-number on it. Employers use this document to calculate how much taxes should be deducted from employee‘s salary. A new Skattekort is issued to employees in December every year.
Tax Deduction Card
At the beginning of 2019, Norway switched to the simplified taxation system for temporary foreign workers who live and work in Norway by introducing a fixed tax rate of 25 %.
In order to be eligible for a tax refund, you should be enrolled into the traditional taxation system in Norway. You can switch to this taxation system for the year 2020 until the 30th of April 2021, therefore, we strongly advise you to contact us without delay to initiate the procedure.
NOTE: If you do not have all required documents – no problem! You can still begin your tax return process. Contact us and we will help you get them.