Which Europe countries are the best to work in?
Every year the vast majority of Europe countries are ranked by various parameters such as jobs, life satisfaction, education, safety, income. This statistics is initiated by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD), which indicates people well-being in member countries. Which are the best countries in the Europe to work in?
Work is obviously beneficial for Economic. Countries, which have high levels of employment are richer, more politically stable and healthier.
Employment level of the working-age population in Europe, aged 15 to 64, are highest in Iceland – 82 %, in Switzerland – 80 %, in Norway – 75 %, in Sweden and Holland – 74%, in Germany – 73 %. Meanwhile, Luxembourg citizens have the highest average salary – almost 49 000 Eur per year, Swiss – 48 000 Eur, Norwegian – 43 000 Eur, Irish – 42 000 Eur, Danish and Belgian – 41 000 Eur.
Countries were ranked on a scale of one to ten considering the work conditions and employment rate. Iceland got the highest rate – 9.5; Switzerland – 9.4; Norway – 9.0; Holland, Luxembourg and Austria – 8.2; Germany – 8.1; Denmark – 8.
Finding the suitable balance between work and daily living is also very important for the well-being. The more people work, the less time they have to spend on other activities: from eating and sleeping to leisure and personal care. Workers in Spain and Denmark spend on average 16.1 hours of the day for activities that are mentioned above. In Belgium – 15.7 hours , in Norway – 15.6 hours , in Holland – 15.4 hours, in France and Germany – 15.3 hours, in Ireland – 15.1 hours.
The most suitable balance between work and other activities provides Denmark, which on scale of one to ten is ranked 9.8 followed by Spain with 9.3, Holland and Belgium – 8.8, Norway – 8.7, Sweden – 8.1, Germany – 8.0, Russia and Austria – 7.9.
In 2015 OECD have ranked 36 member countries.