Kalkulačka vrácení daně


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Odhadovaná vratná částka
Daňový rok
Daň z příjmu
Příspěvek na zdravotní pojištění (Zorgtoeslag)
Nechte si vrátit daně.
Zaregistrujte se a získejte všechny informace.
Your income exceeds 11 000 Eur per year. Contact us for exact calculation: info@rttax.com
Calculation data has been sent.

We will inform you about your tax refund calculations via e-mail.
Refundable amount is calculated provisionally based on your basic data. We always try to refund the maximum possible amount and we can only do that after assessing additional information and circumstances such as children, data about your spouse and his / her income, insurance, etc.

Start your tax refund process now and likely the refundable amount will be higher. Contact us for a consultation via contacts listed.
Refundable amount is calculated provisionally based on your basic data. We always try to refund the maximum possible amount and we can only do that after assessing additional information and circumstances such as: bonuses, scholarships, allowances, spousal income, trade union membership, etc.

Start your tax refund process now and likely the refundable amount will be higher. Contact us for a consultation via contacts listed.
Úspěšná registrace!

Veškeré informace jsou zasílány na váš e-mail.